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Policy & Advocacy

The Chef Ann Foundation advocates for federal and state policy pathways to increase healthy, scratch-cooked meals in schools and supports school nutrition professionals across the country enacting school food systems change.

We collaborate with policy coalitions that seek to improve the quality of and access to schools meals, advance values-based and sustainable food systems, mitigate the impact of school food on the climate, and more.

Policy & Advocacy

The Chef Ann Foundation advocates for federal and state policy pathways to increase healthy, scratch-cooked meals in schools and supports school nutrition professionals across the country enacting school food systems change.

We collaborate with policy coalitions that seek to improve the quality of and access to schools meals, advance values-based and sustainable food systems, mitigate the impact of school food on the climate, and more.


Our policy and advocacy work seeks to advance federal and state initiatives that drive forward our mission of ensuring that school food professionals have the resources, funding, and support they need to provide scratch-cooked meals that support the health of students and the planet. 

This includes advocating for Healthy School Meals for All, sustainable school food systems, values-aligned school food procurement, equitable wages for school food professionals, and school food workforce development initiatives.


Our policy and advocacy work seeks to advance federal and state initiatives that drive forward our mission of ensuring that school food professionals have the resources, funding, and support they need to provide scratch-cooked meals that support the health of students and the planet. 

This includes advocating for Healthy School Meals for All, sustainable school food systems, values-aligned school food procurement, equitable wages for school food professionals, and school food workforce development initiatives.

Collaborating for Change: Our Coalition Work

We are proud to be a member of the following policy and advocacy coalitions. With our coalition partners across the country, we advocate for healthy, equitable, and sustainable school food systems that nourish students, value workers, and strengthen communities.

Public Comments

Our public comments reflect the Chef Ann Foundation’s official position on school food regulations and related policies.


If you’d like to connect with us about our policy and advocacy initiatives, contact MJ Kepner, Senior Director of Policy & Advocacy, at


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