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Andrea Vaage


Senior Specialist of Government Funding

Andrea Vaage joined the Chef Ann Foundation in September of 2023 as Senior Specialist, Government Funding. Andrea works to develop sustainable revenue models that support organizational goals by serving as the lead on researching, writing, and managing all state and federal funding opportunities.

Andrea Vaage


Senior Specialist of Government Funding

Andrea Vaage joined the Chef Ann Foundation in September of 2023 as Senior Specialist, Government Funding. Andrea works to develop sustainable revenue models that support organizational goals by serving as the lead on researching, writing, and managing all state and federal funding opportunities.

Andrea comes to the Chef Ann Foundation with years of grants management experience for small business development, beginning farmer training, and museum education programs. She holds master’s degrees from Iowa State University in the fields of sustainable agriculture and community planning. She is passionate about increasing access to fresh and delicious food through systems change.

While not at work, Andrea enjoys spending time growing plants for food, flowers, and pollinators in her Des Moines, IA garden and finding the best local spots for bird watching.

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Who We Are

The Chef Ann Foundation is dedicated to promoting whole-ingredient, scratch-cooking in schools. Scratch-cooking enables schools to serve the healthiest, tastiest meals so that kids are well-fed and ready to learn.

Our Mission

Ensure that school food professionals have the resources, funding and support they need to provide fresh, healthy, delicious, cook from scratch meals that support the health of children and our planet.

Why School Food Matters

American kids start their life-path in K–12 schools where they learn the skills necessary to thrive & meet their potential. While the country debates the best ways to teach them math, science & English, we spend little to no time on food & nutrition.


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